June 4, 2021 - Douglas Myser

IRS just about caught up. When COVID-19 first hit back in January of 2020, the IRS like many government agencies, shut down. They were closed for nearly five and a half months. When they came back to life, like many other organizations, they had to reshuffle and many IRS workers were working from home. That's an awful lot of shuffling for one of the largest government organizations we have as a nation. When things finally settled down, the IRS came to the realization that they had a major backlog, 15 million pieces of mail to be precise, of mail and other work to catch up on. In addition to that normal work that was back up, the Trump Administration had passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, so the tax code had to be changed, which meant programming issues for the Agency, then when stimulus checks were finally passed by Congress, due to the fact that some qualifications involved income and tax filing, the Congress and then President Trump, put the burden of administering the stimulus program on the IRS. IRS just about caught up.

Ever since COVID-19 and the economic fallout, more Americans have fallen behind on their taxes. That means that more Americans are in need of a functioning IRS, just at the point in time when the IRS is so backed up from COVID that they cannot deliver that service to the public. With swelling budget deficits, due to the needed spending to get the economy back on its feet, Congress and the Administration decided they needed to fund the IRS to appropriate levels. The funding shortfall at the IRS is over a decade in the making. The infusion of millions into the agency will right the ship that was listing for years. And even though most Americans, especially after this economic crisis, will not welcome the news of a more aggressive IRS, the good news for Americans is that it will take some time prior to the IRS becoming real aggressive again, as the funding will need to work its way through the system. A word to those behind on taxes or filing, get good Tax Resolution Services firm to help resolve your tax problem before the IRS puts a IRS Wage Garnishment on you. 1-888-689-7861