September 15, 2022 - Douglas Myser

2022 IRS security summit warnings. The annual IRS security summit was held so the IRS could give its assessment of the new threats emerging for the tax community, and list out the newest threats as well. The ever continuing battle of cyber crime continues, and the IRS is helping the tax community, state tax related agencies and everyone related to matters of taxation, with renewed calls for vigilance against cyber crime and tax identity theft. As IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig stated "As we've increased our defenses, cyberthieves increasingly turn to tax professionals, especially smaller operations, to look for security vulnerabilities. This is a critical link in protecting sensitive taxpayer information. By taking some basic security steps, tax pros help protect against the relentless efforts of identity thieves." 2022 IRS security summit warnings.

The IRS gave some tell tale signs of a computer breach. They stated tax pros need to remain cautious due to e mail phishing campaigns, designed to steal confidential information. These come in the way of emails that are personalized to the individual, and make it seem like they are from someone they know. With at home work continuing due to Covid, many organizations are conducting affairs far away from a work environment. This can lead to a relaxation of standards for security. Tax pros can help their clients protect themselves by sharing key bits of information on computer security, so the entire system remains and gets stronger. Tactics like these help other tax professionals but also their clients from attacks. If you missed the Security Summit, you can find the information at IRS.GOV

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