February 12, 2023 - Douglas Myser


Tax filing started on January 23rd. In publication IR-2023-05, the IRS stated that the 2023 tax filing season was set to open on January 23rd. That is much better than the previous Covid versions of a start date, which were backed up due to problems at the IRS, caused by the Covid lockdowns. The IRS expects more than 168 million individual tax returns are expected to be filed, with the vast majority of those coming before the April 18 tax deadline. People have three extra days to file this year due to the calendar used. With the three previous tax seasons dramatically impacted by the pandemic, the IRS has taken additional steps for 2023 to improve service for taxpayers. As part of the August passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, the IRS has hired more than 5000 new telephone assisters and added more in person staff to help support the tax filing process. Tax filing started on January 23rd.

"This filing season is the first to benefit the IRS and our nation's tax system from multi-year funding in the Inflation Reduction Act, passed by President Biden and Congress,." said Doug O'Donnell, new Acting IRS Commissioner. "With these new additional resources, taxpayers and tax professionals will see improvements in many areas of the agency this year. We've trained thousands of new employees to answer phones and help people. While much work remains after several difficult years, we expect people to experience improvements this tax season. That's just the start as we work to add new long term transformation efforts that will make things even smoother in future years.

If you don't want to deal with a IRS Wage Garnishment, you can call our Tax Resolution Services firm for help. We can file past due tax returns and determine all your Tax Relief options in the IRS and State Department of Revenue Tax Codes, including the IRS Fresh Start Program.