May 24, 2021 - Douglas Myser

Deficit neutral claim by biden. In the past, Republicans have typically fought the Democrats over concerns spending proposals would expand the deficit and the continually growing national debt. Having weathered those critiques during the Obama years, President Joe Biden's proposals to revitalize the US economy and Tax Resolution Companies thru increased IRS funding, are designed to circumvent that line of attack, as he claims they won't increase the deficit at all. Biden's claims that the $1.8 trillion dollar proposal, by paying for it with taxes on the wealthy and corporate America, will not increase the debt at all. Deficit neutral claim by biden.

Biden says this is possible and wants to offset costs from that and the Americans Families Plan and the $2 trillion Jobs plan with a series of changes to the tax plan. His proposed tax provisions include a capital gains tax increase for households making over $1 million, increasing the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%, raising the top marginal IRS income tax rate to 39.6% four households with $400,000 or more in income and requiring estates to pay taxes on unrealized gains of more than $1 million. Deficit neutral claim by biden.

These tax proposals should raise about $3 trillion in 10 years for the IRS, based on estimates from the nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, a group focused on policy analysis and fiscal responsibility. And the White House claims that the revenue generated, in large part through the proposed tax increases, will cover the cost of both plans in 15 years. As such , Biden stated during his joint address to Congress on April 28th that "we can do it without increasing deficits." Marc Goldwein, Senior Policy Director for the CRFB told CNN "it's great" the administration aims to have the plans pay for itself but he would prefer a different timeframe. Historically, the target window for a budget to become deficit neutral is 10 years, but with these plans, it's 15. Economists have stated that the short term loss in the stock market, will be offset by the long term gains throughout the broader economy.

The impact in increased taxes will also be felt by these proposals. If you get left behind in this and owe back taxes, our Tax Resolution Company can help. We provide tax compliance services, by filing all of your past Tax Returns, and then determine options for dealing with your tax debt, like Penalty Abatement, Livable Payment Plans, Offer in Compromise, help for business owners with Payroll Taxes, and we are experts at the IRS Fresh Start Program. Our Tax Resolution Services our now in their 36th year. We offer them Nationwide so you can avoid an IRS Wage Garnishment. Call for a relaxed Tax Resolution consultation. 1-888-689-7861