July 6, 2022 - Douglas Myser

Biden solar energy and climate change. With energy priorities due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Biden Administration seems caught between its climate goals and promises to the Progressive Wing of the Democratic Party, and the shifting sands underneath him. President Biden is publicly committed to expanding solar capacity as quickly as possible to combat climate change. The White House has issued press releases and fact sheets touting its administrative moves to encourage the installation of wind turbines and solar panels on federal lands and waters, and the President has proposed tens of billions of dollars in subsidies for rooftop solar panels in his budget reconciliation package. Solar panels help speed up the replacement of fossil fuels that cause greenhouse gas emissions. But allowing a rival to dominate the supply chain of growing U.S. energy sources could be risky, as Europe has seen with its reliance on Russian oil and gas. Every President wants to create domestic manufacturing jobs, which tend to pay relatively well, especially for those without a college degree. Biden solar energy and climate change.

In 2012, the Obama Administration imposed tariffs on Chinese Solar panel components, increasing the cost by 24% to 36%---when it found in violation of trade agreements, Chinese manufacturers were unfairly undercutting American competitors by using loans form the Chinese government to more panels at lower prices. The measure was supposed to bolster American solar manufacturing, but it didn't work out that way. The same Chinese manufacturers decided to locate some of their supply chain in other countries. Those countries included four in Southeast Asia, designed to get around the tariffs.

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